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 Factor Analysis: 
Putting the Pieces of Your Data Together 

Martedì 8 Aprile ore 10:30


ATTENZIONE: Webinar in inglese!


Join our free webinar and discover the benefits of Factor Analysis using Statistics for Data Analysis powered by IBM SPSS.


If you work with survey or questionnaire data, you know how challenging it can be to interpret. Factor Analysis helps you uncover hidden patterns, simplifying complexity and transforming responses into strategic insights.


What will we cover in the webinar:

  • Theory of Factor Analysis – how it works and why it’s useful;

  • The scree plot - a graph to determine the optimal number of factors to extract, where we will identify the "elbow point";

  • A real-world case study – practical application with Statistics for Data Analysis powered by IBM SPSS.


You’ll understand how Factor Analysis helps structure your data, just like a puzzle coming together as its pieces fall into place.

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Statistics for Data Analysis è una soluzione di SPS S.r.l.

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Via Antonio Zanolini 36 AB,40126 Bologna
P.IVA e C.F. 04222630370


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